First attempt
Original English
I need a crew to build 15 cabins in the central amazon region of Peru. The cabins are to be simple framed wood sided buildings with wooden floors and thatched roofs. The bathrooms workers will require concrete and tile workers, showers, toilets and septic tank onsite construction.
I will provide transportation from Mexico or Texas to Iqutios via Lima, Peru and return transportation. Work will commence at 10:00 for those who wish to enjoy the bird watching, jungle walks or fishing. Others may begin work at 6:00 and will be compensated accordingly. Work finishes at 18:00. On site lodging will be provided. Women are readily available in Iquitos.
Expected duration of work is two to three months.
Translated into Spanish by
Necesito un equipo para construir 15 cabañas en la región amazónica central del Perú. Las cabañas son de madera simple para ser enmarcada edificios del lado de suelos de madera y techos de paja. Los trabajadores baños requerirá de hormigón y baldosas trabajadores, duchas, aseos y la construcción de fosas sépticas en el sitio.Voy a ofrecer transporte desde México o de Texas a través de Iqutios Lima, Perú y el transporte de regreso. Los trabajos se iniciarán a las 10:00 para aquellos que desean disfrutar de la observación de aves, caminatas en la selva o la pesca. Otros pueden empezar a trabajar a las 6:00 y se compensará en consecuencia. El trabajo termina a las 18:00. El sitio de alojamiento será proporcionado. Las mujeres son fácilmente disponibles en Iquitos.
Duración prevista de los trabajos es de dos a tres meses.
Now The translation back from Spanish to English
I need a computer to construct 15 cabins in the central Amazon region of Peru. The simple wooden huts are to be framed buildings on wooden floors and thatched roofs. Workers require concrete bathrooms and tile workers, showers, toilets and construction of septic tanks on the site.I will provide transportation from Mexico or Texas by Iqutios Lima, Peru, and return transportation. Work will commence at 10:00 for those who want to enjoy bird watching, jungle walks and fishing. Others may start working at 6:00 and be compensated accordingly. The work ends at 18:00. The hosting site will be provided. Women are easily available in Iquitos.
Expected duration of the work is two to three months.
Let me try again
Original English
I need a team to build 15 cabins in the central amazon region of Peru. The cabins are to be simple framed wood sided buildings with wooden floors and thatched roofs. The bathrooms workers will require concrete and tile workers, showers, toilets and septic tank onsite construction.I will provide transportation from Mexico or Texas to Iqutios via Lima, Peru and return transportation. Work will commence at 10:00 for those who wish to enjoy the bird watching, jungle walks or fishing. Others may begin work at 6:00 and will be compensated accordingly. Work finishes at 18:00. On site lodging will be provided. Women are readily available in Iquitos.
Expected duration of work is two to three months.
Translated into Spanish
Necesito un equipo para construir 15 cabañas en la región amazónica central del Perú. Las cabañas son de madera simple para ser enmarcada edificios del lado de suelos de madera y techos de paja. Los trabajadores baños requerirá de hormigón y baldosas trabajadores, duchas, aseos y la construcción de fosas sépticas en el sitio.Voy a ofrecer transporte desde México o de Texas a través de Iqutios Lima, Perú y el transporte de regreso. Los trabajos se iniciarán a las 10:00 para aquellos que desean disfrutar de la observación de aves, caminatas en la selva o la pesca. Otros pueden empezar a trabajar a las 6:00 y se compensará en consecuencia. El trabajo termina a las 18:00. El sitio de alojamiento será proporcionado. Las mujeres son fácilmente disponibles en Iquitos.
Duración prevista de los trabajos es de dos a tres meses.
Back to English
I need a team to build 15 cabins in the central Amazon region of Peru. The simple wooden huts are to be framed buildings on wooden floors and thatched roofs. Workers require concrete bathrooms and tile workers, showers, toilets and construction of septic tanks on the site.I will provide transportation from Mexico or Texas by Iqutios Lima, Peru, and return transportation. Work will commence at 10:00 for those who want to enjoy bird watching, jungle walks and fishing. Others may start working at 6:00 and be compensated accordingly. The work ends at 18:00. The hosting site will be provided. Women are easily available in Iquitos.
Expected duration of the work is two to three months.
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