Thursday, March 3, 2011


Thursday March 3

Dropped off Bee in Santiago to go hit El Valle. I was leaving, not much else to do.
Visited a couple of Mike's properties near Torio on the Azuere Peninsula. It took an hour to drive south to Santiago. We stopped off for breakfast, I had liver and onions, he had a beer. Took a stroll on a beach. Mike had left the car unlocked, with keys in the ignition, $500 in cash in the glove box. I had everything, we ran out of the heat back to the car.

Next stop was Rio Torio where it flows into the ocean. Hung out there for a couple of hours. Talked with owner. He recommended the conch. I ordered the conch and got pargo (snapper). Headed over to Tori0 Resort and Golf. ??? No golf. 600 hectare, seven houses half acre $45,000 One hectare (2 ½ acres) $190k. Group of people from Spain. Dickhead from Dallas house bought a house for investment purposes at what he claimed was 10% of the value. A bubba. Ludwick, the Norwegian owner joined us. He told us he hadn't sold a property in three years. He had no marketing, he just expected people to drive by and find the place. He had just finished a web site. It had been designed and built by a Dutch guy in Santiago who spent a month constructing a truly horrible site for $500. Ludwick then admitted that if he gets any inquiries, he doesn't bother to reply to the emails. There was internet access, not great, but it was better than nothing. Mike crawled off to bed in the air conditioned cabin we had rented. I stayed up for a bit and caught up on my emails.

As I posted this blog entry I noticed that my scribbled instructions have been complied with and the site is 100 times better.

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