Monday, September 10, 2012

Fishing - Robbery

I enjoyed the day on the water with the girls yesterday and decided to take them out again.  At seven in the morning I boarded a sailboat on which they were staying, stuck my head through the entrance hatch to spot lovely Reva.  "Hey girl, get up, let's go to Dolphin Bay."  Straight out of bed and onto the boat.  That is low maintenance.  Two other girls joined us.   Not a dolphin to be seen.  That's a first.

I pulled up to a random house on the bay and called out.  A couple of watchmen came down and spotting the girls agreed that we could come ashore and they would gladly show us around.  There was not much to see.  Next stop?  Some wonderful snorkeling near Isla Christobal which terminated abruptly on account of impending bad weather.

A few hours on the dock, the weather cleared and we went fishing.  Two other girls asked if they could come.  We got some bait and headed to the south side of Solarte and fished without luck.  Well, my house is a sure thing.  Immediately they started hauling in fish.  I insisted that they throw them all back.  You don't eat your dock fish.

Off to Los Secretos to pay a tab.  Nick was behind the bar.  "So you're boating alone today!"  No bud, I've got five cuties down on the dock waiting for me.   "Are you going back to town?"  "Sure, I'll take you."   To no great surprise Nick was smitten by the Philipino.

We spend the next few hours chatting on the dock at Casa Verde.  The skinny train wreck from Spain told me there was a guy on my boat.  What?  That's thirty feet away from the eleven of us.  Sure enough, an Indian made his way off the boat and swam to the dock.  Another five gallon tank filled with gas was missing.  He didn't have it with him so he was obviously on his second trip.  Ballsy bastard.  The guard was lying in a hammock but two feet from the boat.

I went out front and down the street in the company of Joe, a great guy who knows a whole lot of shit.  Down the street to the worst part of town.  Two malientes said that the Indian had run behind a fish market.  Hmmm,  only one way in and no water on the sidewalk.   I walked back anyway.  Joe stood on the street and called out my name in a very non calm manner.  Two guys had been following me, one with a club and one with a hammer.  I turned around and yelled loudly, "Joe, what's up?"  The two fled.  Whoa.

We returned to Casa Verde where one of the waitress indicated that she spotted the culprit swimming out from under the dock. Another guy and I went after him.  Not a good plan.  He could have probably beaten one of us to death with the other.

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