Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hiding in Belize

I am hanging out at Flayva's in San Ignacio, Belize. Flayva's is a good, cheap restaurant with exceptional service and free internet. My room is upstairs, barely converted out of closet status. The door is a bunch of boards nailed together and secured by my padlock on a hasp. It doesn't matter; I spend 10 minutes a day awake in the room. As I write this Sergio my erstwhile guide and now buddy walked in and gave me a hearty greeting. Sergio is a very affable Lebanese-Belizean who speaks excellent English; he is also a first rate tour guide.

A straw hat is perched atop a pretty face that complements a tight little body in a gray t-shirt and blue jean shorts. Forgive me while I take an intermission... These girls are from Australia and staying down the road.. Catch up you later.

Hurricane Matthew is bringing intermittent light showers.

Scrambled eggs, refried beans, bacon, scrambled eggs and fry jacks (kind of like a sopapilla without the sugar), avocado, watermelon and pineapple are delivered to my table. No chance to exercise and blogging and programming in a restaurant is not the way to fitness.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are updating the blog as it is much more informative than FB. When you off to Costa Rica?
