All the smooothie shops were closed, it is the slow season so we settled for bagels.
As we walked in Casa Verde it look like a battalion of blondes had come to storm the town.
Internet research for a friend.
Three musketeers go to Shelley and crack each other up for an hour. Various citizens are hailed as they walk or drive buy. "Don't call Rambo! He'll come over here." The funky little red van with the windscreen now made of that plastic material used to make clear flexible boat screens swerves and proceeds to backup, near hitting a couple of people in the process. No wonder a bicyclist went through the front.
You know where I can find a tailor. I need some pants mended. "Yes, you need to call... there he is." The tailor is called over, we exchange phone numbers, he lives behind my neighbor the bicycle repair person. He'll call me at 9 tomorrow morning. Sure, we'll see.
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