Monday, January 18, 2010

Panama a study in contrasts

Panama City is a study in contrasts.

The tap water is potable, the ocean water is sewage.

Sky scrapers in el centro (downtown). Restoration in old Panama.

No trash, no horn honking, no metal banging, next to no beggars.

Casinos and whores but no overt sleaze.

I wish I had the correct lenses and filters on my little trip with Ricardo today.

Speaking of Ricardo. My Milanese acquaintance is under the impression that he is going to arrive in Bocas Town, Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro, Panama, take a water taxi to Bastimentos Town and hike to a camping ground of some dude on the internet.

I tried to tell him, there are unpassable regions, swamps, a few camains and that is just from Bastimentos Town to Red Frog Beach.

"Ricardo, you will need knee high rubber boots, a compass, a machete, 3 liters of water per day, a hammock, food. No there is no road. There are no cars. Yes I know for a fact, I don't care what you read on the internet, I hiked it two months ago, You don't even know where this fictional character lives." You'll have to go inland. It's really muddy, the soil is clay and steep. It rains a lot. You can start in Bastimentos town, follow the walk to the cemetary and see if you can find the trail. The Ngobi boys will watch you for a while, bring some money and they might bring you back. No chance in hell you are going to make it to Salt Creek."

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