1. 1958 – 1977 Dependent
2. 1977-1983 Independent
3. 1983 Married
4. Children 1988 Karl, 1990 Mark
5. 1993 divorced children live with mother
6. 2002 Children old enough to choose, live with me
7. 2008 Children grow up and move out
I am now at stage 8, selling the house and all my worldly goods and moving anywhere that interests me, doing my job via a broad band connection and a notebook computer. I have handed titles to 4 water craft and 2 ATVs to a great friend along with power of attorney for these vehicles. The house is for sale.
Tomorrow I begin my trip to Costa Rica. I will be driving from southeast Michigan to Southlake, TX to meet up with my younger son, Mark (19). On Monday we meet my older son, Karl (21) in Austin. I hope to sell my truck in Austin on Monday or Tuesday. On Wednesday I will move to Costa Rica with nothing but the contents of 3 duffel bags and a back pack. My boys will be joining me for a couple of weeks and then they are off to their respective lives.
We have no set agenda, no hotel rooms booked, no car rental and no destination. That’s ok. We’ve done this all before. We go where the spirit moves us. I figure that we will probably agree to shuttle from Liberia to La Fortuna and hang out there for a while. The northern pacific coast has grown too Americanized for my taste thanks to Ollie North and the Liberia airport. The weather is nicer on the pacific than it is on the Caribbean side but I prefer the remoteness of Puerto Viejo and the genuine spirit of community.
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